Enrollment in France
This was the procedure in 2023. It's likely to change.
Sign a student agreement and fill out a long form (during the first official meeting)
Wait a few days
Go to the office inside the physics building and ask for your Numéro de dossier
You will need to show an ID/passport/…
If you enter the building from here, it's almost immediately to the left
Even if the door is closed, just go in
Go to https://ent.uca.fr/compte/password/firstStudentConnexion and follow the instructions
In particular, set up an e-mail client or regularly check your online inbox
Upload some documents here
You'll get an e-mail (from scola.pac@uca.fr) to your UCA account asking you for these
What to upload:
Attestation d'assurance relative à la responsabilité civile […] → Dr. Walter
Attestation de droits à l'assurance maladie → Dr. Walter
Diplôme du bac → A-levels/…
bac ≠ Bachelor!
Diplômes obtenus depuis le bac → Bachelor's/…
Pièce d'identité en cours de validité (Carte d'identité RECTO VERSO ou passeport) → ID card; you can merge the front and back into a single PDF using online tools
Enter the expiration date as DD/MM/YYYY
Upload a photo for your French student ID card
Go get your student ID card
Office: Salle TC, B.1.24 (upstairs in the administration building, about here)
There does not seem to be a notification when the card is ready
Last updated
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